
kingdom of belgium-based kyrgyz/russian contemporary artist

Anastasya “Nastya” Chernook, originally from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan creates unique 1-of-1 contemporary art pieces, capturing the zeitgeist and cultural movement as well as theism, divinity and philosophy mixed with glamour and pizzazz, captivating collectors worldwide.

Nastya pays homage to the original definition of pop art where critical view of traditional fine art is mixed with a critical viewpoint of society and mass culture. The pieces from the Constellations Exposition shed a perspective on ambition, momentum, modern day icons, fame and both the weaknesses as the strengths of human nature. Each unique piece is not only captivating, it also holds a deeper meaning and shares a unique story.

pop art

Nastya’s statement art is a vast form of energy, an affirmation made into a relic.
Each single piece is created in a certain spirit, passion and vibrancy, holding a very specific vow or promise for those who are attracted to a specific piece, bringing a very distinct magnetic energy into the space where the artwork is placed.

statement art

The portals are created to be true metaphysical gateways - energetic doors to quantum leap into a very specific matching dimension. Each single portal is channeled and brought to life during its painting process, and no portal can ever be the same. Each magical door holds its own wisdom, lessons and frequency. Open if you dare.

the portals